RESOLVE. Most people have resolve for a short time, but want to be at their Best Body all the time. What does it take? Staying resolved takes accountability and support.
RESOLVE stands for:
Expect progress!
RESOLVE to do what, you ask? YOU choose what you’ll resolve about your health each week (I can help with ideas if you need them).
RESOLVE is offered twice annually: March-May and Nov.-January. If you need support for staying away from sugar, or wine, or snacking mindlessly; or to maintain changes you’ve made/stay consistent with exercise…or anything health-related…RESOLVE can be what keeps you staying strong…2 options:
1- RESOLVE: the 10 weeks after the Best Body Countdown round is complete
2- Best Body 24/7: for those who are just.not.looking.back…to get you through the upcoming year strong….Not planning to save your clothes, or go back on those meds? Have you realized the importance of accountability and determined to stay strong all year long? Best Body 24/7 will give you the virtual daily support of this upcoming RESOLVE round, AND the Best Body Club virtual support of the next 52-day Countdown, PLUS the RESOLVE round which follows…not to mention 10% off coaching consults anytime!
When you join RESOLVE or Best Body 24/7, you’ll be added to our private Facebook group page where those who join support each other daily. This a tight knit group of people with similar goals from all around the country. It’s really one of my very favorite programs of all!
-On Make-a-Plan Monday, everyone will do a quick post their personal health goal/strategies for the week.
-On Metric-Check Wednesday, everyone will post their progress (ex: -1.5 pounds, or +.2pounds, or – 1 inch, or +20 seconds, -one size, + 2 pushups, etc.)
-On Follow-up Friday, everyone will report how they did on their goal.
-On Slip-it-On Sunday, everyone will slip on that pair of no-spandex pants that lets you know how you are REALLY doing, and report general weekend highs and lows.
Plus, one Wednesday per month we’ll have a “What’s Working Wednesday” Chat – we’ll check-in and chat on a 30-minute lunch-hour conference call. I’ll post the dates on my website as it nears (under “Events”).
I’ll just give you the phone number and code and you’ll have a chance to connect with others who have similar goals, and to ask health questions of me, your Best Body registered dietitian and fitness expert. (*Callers are anonymous if desired.)
RESOLVE or Best Body 24/7 can be what keeps you at your best without the frustration of failed goals, or having to start over again after making progress. Add RESOLVE or Best Body 24/7 to your cart!