4th Training Period
–> To listen/view the recorded meeting of Training #4, click here.
–> There are no slides from Training #4, we used this outline as our guide.
If you would like to do the Countdown again in January, save the date: start day for the January countdown will be 1/21 with one-hour online trainings over the late fall.
-Register here if you’ve completed the Countdown two or more times as a facilitator.
-Register here if the the Fall will be your first or second time leading the Countdown.
- Direct paid registrants to: https://bestbodyin52.com/welcome/ (consider sending them an email, or adding this link to the Confirmation page of your payment link)
- Elevator Speech: What is the Best Body Countdown? (A Graphic explanation is always better than words when possible).
Text below if preferable for newsletters, etc.
The Best Body Countdown is a guided 52-day journey of self-discovery resulting in total wellness – both inside and out.
The Countdown provides a daily guide, live support, & expert insight to lead you to your personal best over about 8 weeks through:
– attentive eating
– make-it-count movement
– self-assessment
– smart goal setting
– accountability & support
If you aren’t moving toward your best, then which way are you heading?
real people
real bodies
real food
real change
Best Body Countdown: 52 days to the BEST version of YOU! - If creating a handout, feel free to copy and paste questions/answers from here: bestbodyin52.com/faq-countdown
- form for last-minute material orders is live here (orders will not be accepted other than via link)
- even if you don’t have an order, please complete this by 9/3 – it has a quick training evaluation to complete
- orders do not have to be in increments of 10
- 50% increase in shipping and handling rates apply on these orders
- invoices will be sent within 30 days and payment is due upon receipt (or may be combined with open invoices)
- orders should be received by Saturday; if you cannot receive on Saturdays, please note this on on final order form/or suggest a home delivery address
- tracking numbers are available by request
- contact Sohailla ASAP regarding orders not received by end of day this Friday (via text)
- form for last-minute material orders is live here (orders will not be accepted other than via link)
SUBMIT ROSTER by 9/3 (by midnight) via email in one of the 3 following ways (note: you are not to be included on your roster)
- excel roster via admin@bestbodyin52.com
- your own excel sheet (or Google Sheet) with the following columns: First name, Last Name, Email, Cell phone – send via admin@bestbodyin52.com
- by sharing your Google form-derived Spreadsheet (see tutorial video here)
- send via bestbodyin52team@gmail.com: be sure to reconcile your spreadsheet list with paid orders first
- Once responses are made, you can simply share the spreadsheet Google will create for you (see training recording for demo)
1) click RESPONSES
2) click the GREEN spreadsheet ICON in the right corner
3) click SHARE in the right corner and email it to: bestbodyin52team@gmail.com
SOFT CLOSE of registration 9/3 and LATE SUBMISSIONS
- late registrants may only be submitted via form provided here (will be “live” 9/4)
- $5 late fee incurred and invoiced for participants submitted starting 9/4
- RESTATED: late registrants may only be submitted via form provided. NOTE: This form is integrated into the main registration page, so when adding your new participants, just put their information in there and click your site.
- USE Kick-Off Checklist and recommended flow
- remind/prepare helpers/volunteers: date, arrival time, dress code, atmosphere/culture
- USE Talking Points guide to prepare your participants (first part is essential, second part is optional)
- Most critical talking points at Kick-Off:
- 1) remind them they’ll need to read the first 30 pages of the book before we start the Countdown
- 2) expect a detailed email from sohailla@bestbodyin52.com on the Thursday before we start
- Most critical talking points at Kick-Off:
- REPEAT FACILITIES MAY WANT TO PRINT this Self-Assessment from page 30 of the Success Journal to use at Kick-Off (for those who don’t bring their book for assessment recording)
- QUESTIONS: FAQ and Topic Search Index of the Success Journal
- USE Talking Points guide to prepare your participants (first part is essential, second part is optional)
- see website Resources page so you’re familiar with how to post the toughest ticket (which is the first one: the 3-day food log)
- If applicable, set up a physical drop box of sorts to collect “BBTicket evidence” locally.
- be sure to be familiar with these before the first ticket (which is the trickiest one: Day 46)
- see website Resources page
- be sure to manage expectations – Take Tens are CHALLENGING but many modifications are shared on the Take Ten Helps page
- secure a location on the Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday of the last week of the Countdown
- anticipate that about 1/3rd of the participants will attend (3/4ths for regular bootcamp attendees/corporate wellness: typically for those who see participants at least twice a week)
- consider timing that is most likely for everyone to attend
- utilize some of the same volunteers if possible, particularly for measurements (but can give them 2 stations instead, if expecting a smaller group)
- this Friday check in with your participants to ask: Did they get the Thursday email?
- Don’t Quit Chats – 30 minutes every other Thursday and are recorded
- Did you complete your brief write-up? (“Meet the Best Body Countdown Facilitators”)
- Best Body Superstar Nominations for at the end of your Countdown
- Mid-week Metric Check
- electronic Appendix C will be available for sharing/tracking and posting of weights if desired (taking a photo of Appendix C in Success Journal may be preferable)
- you may add your own participants as an administrator
- when you see requests for people to join the group, please only check off/allow YOUR paid participants
- review usage guidelines
- Motivational Interviewing Questions and Expressions
- It’s critical that during the Countdown we are consistent with our messages and that we maintain a culture that is positive and encouraging!