I have been working out now for a year and a half and have successfully lost and kept off 55 to 60 pounds. I got into a routine rut and started getting bored with my weight maintenance. Doing the same things week after week and not really feeling any different was not motivating me.
Being a part of the 52-day Countdown put fun and challenges back into my work out. It has helped me venture out to new exercises and use heavier weight even when no one was implying to do so. I have come a long way, and the Countdown to Your Best Body really helped me realize how to push myself to another level.
During the 52 days, I lost those last few pounds, 2.5 inches off my waist, 3/4 inch off my thigh, and took a 3-minute plank to 5 minutes. Just having to check off the 5,4,3,2,1 was a challenge that motivated me to do my best. I plan on continuing to use what I learned from the Countdown to keep myself on track.
-Natasha, 29
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