For a long time I felt I was destined to always be a big girl. I was tired of low fat, low carb and no eating diets — I was looking for a lifetime eating plan that I would be able to stick with. I exercised consistently but was not getting the results I wanted. I knew my eating was the problem.
I purchased the Best Body book at a seminar and decided I would give it a try. This plan taught me the importance of planning your meals and how important it was to read labels. I thought going into this my problem would be added sugar because I am a sugarholic! But it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. I try to keep my sugar under 10 grams daily and that has not been hard at all. I now take the time to plan my meals – the menus from the Best Body Cookbook make it easy to do. They are delicious, which makes sticking to the plan that much easier.
Most importantly I feel better about me! The number on the scale is not important what is important is how I look and feel in my clothes, and I feel great! I am now able to get in a pair of pants I hadn’t worn in a year! I look forward to continuing my Best Body journey.
-Claudette, 53
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