How about some ideas for grilling this Father’s Day weekend? Below you’ll find some great recipes for the grill! There are super-smart foods you can grill up, and some that can get you into trouble. People often ask me what is one food I won’t eat: though I think most foods have their time and […]
Do you need a detox?
Does anyone really need a detox? 😳 In general, the standard American diet (sometimes referred to as the S.A.D. diet 😔) is made up of processed foods that are readily available and widely accepted as the cultural norm — in large portions to boot. Additives, alcoholic beverages, and preservatives give the liver quite a task, […]
How does your garden grow?
I’ve been planting a summer vegetable garden for a handful of years now, but I get newbie nerves every time because I realize how little I know. Every Spring I feel like a rookie again and keep wishing I could find a green-thumbed mentor to drop by weekly, because oh how I hate to learn […]
The slightly sarcastic “said no one ever” story
Sometimes common sense is not common practice: read the “said no one ever” story below to see what I mean. Excuse the strategic sarcasm: it helps make my point! I learned about basic nutrition in elementary school and since learning the right thing to do, I have always made the right choice. Knowledge is power, […]