Whew! Bios like the one you just read are almost too polished…about as shiny as my sweaty face after a workout, friends. So, I just wanted to get real with you for a minute (I hope our paths cross for the chance to get to know YOU as well :).
If you could see me now (in my home office), you’d get a picture of straight-up-Sohailla…I have as many tabs open on my computer as I have ideas popping into my mind. I have a clean house because visual clutter makes me grumpy, but a messy desk because of the aforementioned overflowing ideas. I’m an ALL-in kind of girl and have an almost-over-the-top lust for life.
I’m a mom of 2 boisterous biological boys (16 and 13), and one determined diva we adopted from China (10). I’m a devoted wife to the fella that asked me to the Senior Prom: I said no to Prom, but married him 5 years later (over 21 years ago now). I have constant Voice coaching me from within as to how short life is (that’d be Jesus), and to keep my priorities in order as I strive to balance the tension of all I’m called to be.
So, what do I do for work, exactly? At 3, my daughter announced that she knew what I was going to be when I “get big” (once she was finally given a turn after impatiently trying not to interrupt me and a friend). As big as I ever wanted to be, as I asked, “What’s that?” “A talker!” she blasted. Clever stinker!
Turns out I do “talk” for a living…sharing words on book pages, at speaking engagements around the country, in blog posts, on Facebook support groups, in trainings for my Best Body Countdown Facilitators, and in coaching aspiring authors to self-publish.
It is my joy to share with you what I’ve learned through decades of personal challenges and client experiences related to food and fitness, mixed in with the realities of life: family, friendship, faith, frailties and future dreams. Let’s keep in touch! Make sure you download my free mini-Ebook while you’re here.
-read blog: Top 4 Questions & Comments I get...-
-read blog on my wellness philosophy: “Dirty, Imperfect and Whole”–