How about some ideas for grilling this Father’s Day weekend? Below you’ll find some great recipes for the grill! There are super-smart foods you can grill up, and some that can get you into trouble. People often ask me what is one food I won’t eat: though I think most foods have their time and […]
A Day in the Small-Business Life
For National Small Business Week, I thought I’d share some of the faces of small-business life (as an owner who works from home and has a bustling family: hubby and 3 kids. :). → If you see me around Evans, GA where I live, maybe you think I “hang out in workout clothes and play […]
What about Milk?
6 easy Mother’s Day desserts the kids can make for YOU!
Being in the kitchen is just more fun with a buddy or two, especially if you spend a lot of time there. Growing up with a really big family, food prep for me was largely about hanging out. I love to be in the kitchen with my kids (well, preferably one at a time :). […]
Soup to the Rescue
At my house, we have a “soup of the week” often on the ready in the slow-cooker, or in a glass dish in the fridge that can be warmed up quickly. I love soup at this time of year: it comes to my rescue on a cold, busy day and hits the spot! I’ve shared most of my […]
Popsicle Power
I think of Memorial Day as the start of summer. Where we live, kids get out of school just in time for Memorial Day weekend – today is their last day in fact! On the last (half-day) of school I always love to go somewhere fun with my 3 kiddos so it stands out from every other after-school […]
What about eggs?
Since eggs have been a tasty, inexpensive staple in homes over the years, and have also been a nutritional topic of debate for decades because of their cholesterol-rich yolks, let’s dive into the details. Egg facts: eggs are one of the least expensive protein sources available (about 15 cents per egg which contains about six […]
A table for TWO in 10
Happy Valentine’s Day! Whether dining with a date or friends tonight, or waiting until the weekend (like me), it’s nice to have something memorable on special occasions. Last night we had this dinner at our house with our children, since I knew we’d be busy tonight as a family — it literally takes about 10 minutes! Our kids […]
Easy Meal Prep: Top 10 Tools
In talking to a friend who likes to do a 3-hour prep time on Sundays for the week’s meals, I wondered to myself…how do meals “work themselves out” at my house without all these big chunks of planning that people speak of? (If you’ve ever met my 3 kiddos, you know that 3 hours of […]
The bounty and beauty of color and contentment
Last weekend I watched hundreds of grateful people stand in line for a loooong time to receive a hot meal while I helped paint their sweet kids’ faces and my kids facilitated games. After they waited in a long line behind hundreds of people to receive their meals, I didn’t hear anyone complaining about disliking beets […]