It’s April Fool’s Day! You can bet as a dietitian that I’ve heard a TON of crazy fads and foolish advice such as: “No fruit…it has too much sugar-especially bananas. And watch out for carrots.” (Gasp!) “Did you know eggplant and tomatoes are bad for you?” (Book marketing) Or this one: “The doctor told me […]
T’was the Week Before Christmas…
T’was the week before Christmas when all through the house There were goodies and treats for umm….my kids and my spouse. My gym-bag was set by the door with care, in hopes that somehow I’d find myself there But there’s wrapping paper all over my bed and visions of to-do lists, running thru my head. […]
Do-Dump-Delegate: Work/Life Balance
I’ve been working on a talk to give at a retreat for nutrition professionals. The topic is one I strive to achieve every day: work-life balance. Strive is the perfect word because it is indeed a challenge to strike this balance while running a business, being devoted to my 3 kids and my husband, and serving […]
Let’s Talk About Weekends
If you’ve taken one of my fitness classes or attended one of my seminars, you might have heard me say, “Be careful not to take 5 big steps forward M-F just to take 2 giant leaps backwards on the weekend.” When Some start with an extra-fancy coffee on Fridays. Others start with a festive lunch-date […]
What’s to Love about Love Handles
Yesterday, I noticed a difference in how my fave jeans feel. When they came out of the dryer, I pulled them on and thought, “Whew! That stinkin’ dryer.” I did a few of those squat kicks that usually fix the post-dryer shrink and realized… ummm, maybe it’s not the dryer? I always help my clients […]
You Need This Today: 10 Self-Care Tips
Friends, we are all in different places right now. Some are baking bread and taking long walks, others are masking up and working 12-hour days, some are binge-watching Netflix, others are losing loved ones, others are homeschooling kids with cabin-fever, and many are looking in an empty refrigerator, knowing their income source is gone. (If […]
How 6 Fitness Gurus Do Chocolate
Have any chocolate left? Ever wonder exactly what is considered “normal eating” (of chocolate)? Here is the answer! I’ve adapted this from author Ellyn Satter’s definition of normal eating. Normal eating of chocolate is… …looking forward to it’s creamy exceptional goodness even before you eat it. It’s using moderate constraint in your selection of it […]
Does the scale make you moody?
Does the scale dictate your mood for the day? Are you tempted to weigh too often? Maybe it’s time to chunk the scale. Gasp! Yep, you could instead direct your energy to employing a little strategic splurging. It’s not as hard as you think. “Now? 😳 Right before the Holidays, though,” you ask? What if I were to check in with you daily via my app […]
Start a vivacious cycle (End the vicious cycle)
Vivacious Cycle: ↪ drink water upon awakening ↪ solid, fiber-rich breakfast ↪ happy digestive system ↪ lunch that prioritizes protein, produce & fiber ↪ sustained energy all day ↪ strong snack before the hungry monster comes out ↪ fueled and hydrated for a de-stressing work-out ↪ light dinner since the bulk of the day […]
Do you need a detox?
Does anyone really need a detox? 😳 In general, the standard American diet (sometimes referred to as the S.A.D. diet 😔) is made up of processed foods that are readily available and widely accepted as the cultural norm — in large portions to boot. Additives, alcoholic beverages, and preservatives give the liver quite a task, […]