Yesterday, I noticed a difference in how my fave jeans feel. When they came out of the dryer, I pulled them on and thought, “Whew! That stinkin’ dryer.” I did a few of those squat kicks that usually fix the post-dryer shrink and realized… ummm, maybe it’s not the dryer?
I always help my clients think through their body changes (both inside and out) with non-judgemental, but accurate, self-awareness…so I walked myself through the same steps that I walk them through.
I noticed where the jeans were the tightest, and because I strongly believe that various types of changes in our bodies are signals that bring awareness to things that perhaps we may otherwise not notice, I chuckled a little “thank you” under my breath.
As a fitness enthusiast and runner, I am quite aware of changes in my body and how I feel. Many years ago I would have shamed myself upon noticing this change, or made an excuse like, “Well, you’re 45 years old, Sohailla, what do you expect?”

Instead, my thoughts were more like: “Ah! Noted! A week with 4 basketball games to attend after work is not a good week to combine with the rare purchase of Costco’s Peanut Butter Pretzels. I appreciate the reminder.”
(I buy each person in my family one splurge-y “snack” food of choice at Costco when I go every 6 to 8 weeks, and it turns out that my 11 year old no longer likes the PB pretzels…so this oversized tub of them has been calling my name, saying, “Over heeeere! I’m yummy, and even more convenient than your usual Greek yogurt and nuts to take on the go.”)
If you have some accumulating fat tissue to deal with, I’d love to hear what kind of support you find most helpful…will you let me know ➡️ here? ⬅️ (Just share your input by Sunday to get an instant Strong Snack guide in your inbox as a “thank-you” for your insight!)
I’m grateful for this awareness that came in the form of a little luv trying to sneak out of the waistband of my jeans. Without it I wouldn’t have the clarity needed to decide what the best course of action is for the future. I like to focus my energy on being my best in the present, instead of having to try twice as hard to undo my poor choices from the past. #preventionmentality #notcrossthatbridgewhenyougetthere

I gave this little “luv” some thought, not because I’m fat-phobic, or because I’m threatened by an occasional refined snack, or because I think my body should never change with aging, or because during b-ball tournament weeks I must get up at 5 AM to workout before my 16-hour working/mom day.
Rather, because the effort of a quick course-correction is a teeeeeeny investment compared to the difficulty that comes with a recover-later mentality. Choosing honest self-awareness allows for simple, corrective choices that don’t hurt a bit compared to the pain and cost of rehabilitative effort.
Don’t forget that I’m looking out for your input this weekend…what kind of support do you find most helpful if you have 10 or so extra pounds you’d like to lose? Just ➡️ share it here ⬅️ and you’ll get my Strong Snack guide immediately in your inbox!
Have you taken a moment lately to tune into what your body is trying to communicate to you? If not, how about take a 3-minute body scan to tune back in.
Did you know your body is always sending you signals?
- Constipation can be a signal from your body that you are not having enough plant-based food going through your body (or not enough food or fluid at all).
- Your hunger sensation is a “thumbs up” which means the fuel funnel is indeed draining properly and a cue to do what comes naturally next: fuel up wisely.
- Sweat is a gift for cooling you off because you were meant to play hard.
- Bloating is often a “non-food on board” alert.
- Hair in gobs in your sink is a visual request to attend to your diet, and make sure you’re getting enough calories.
- Headaches are typically your brain pulsing at you: “don’t forget to drink water…and it’s an hour past your lunchtime, too.” (And lay off the wine, please).
- Indigestion and reflux are like the beep on a big truck in reverse…pleading with you to back up and rethink moving forward next time with that food or beverage, or that much food.
- Dragging energy usually means the gears of your body’s mechanics need tending to (usually with plain ole water or minerals), or general movement.
- What if excess fat tissue spilling out of your clothes is designed to alert you that excess is perhaps happening elsewhere in your life?
- Pain is a message from your body: “I need your attention right about HERE!”
- Shakiness from low blood sugar is your body shaking you by the shoulders and saying, “Listen! Either you ate too many simple sugars in the past 24 hours (or had too much alcohol), or you’re going too long without food.”
- Stiffness is a plea for daily movement to loosen you up.
- Unexplained fatigue can be a life-saving warning about something serious, but resolvable on the front end if you get the message.
These markers are not meant to guilt us into better choices. They are simply flagging us so that we can make informed decisions.
Paying closer attention and listening to these innate signals allows us to better take care of ourselves both physically and mentally. By doing so regularly, we can become the healthiest and happiest versions of ourselves. Self-awareness for the win!