It’s April Fool’s Day! You can bet as a dietitian that I’ve heard a TON of crazy fads and foolish advice such as:
- “No fruit…it has too much sugar-especially bananas. And watch out for carrots.” (Gasp!)
- “Did you know eggplant and tomatoes are bad for you?” (Book marketing)
- Or this one: “The doctor told me to avoid nuts because they raise cholesterol.” (Misinformation from experts who have not focused their studies on nutrition)
- “I cheated and ate beans” (someone who has been totally confused by all the fads out there).
- “I can’t eat after work today since I got stuck in traffic: my personal trainer said no eating after 6pm.” (“blanket” advice that doesn’t consider one’s big-picture well-being)
Nope. It’s not the sugar from eating a piece of fruit (or two…or three) that gets us, nor is it nightshade veggies like eggplants. It’s typically the mindless eating, the caloric-beverage drinking, the late night “long-day-who cares”-eating, dining-out portions and bottomless baskets, or the “cheat day” mini-binging that gets people into the most trouble.
Many well-intended health-seekers are falling into what I call fad-traps that get them so confused that they no longer can make sense of what’s good for them. So, here are some fool-proof reminders from my fabulous RD-colleagues on April Fool’s Day:
“One single study rarely changes healthy eating advice, so try not to get too excited about media headlines.” –Elizabeth Ward
“Don’t rely on willpower – set your environment up to support your success!” –Melissa Joy Dobbins
“Clear pee by 3!” –Amanda Field
“It’s better to pay the grocer than the doctor.” –Karen Mace Buch
“There are two ways to waste excess food, by throwing it out or putting it in fat cells in your body. You decide.” –Maureen Bligh
“Everything in moderation including moderation.” –Dixya Bhattarai
“Eat too much and you will see your food again!” -Jennifer Lynn-Pullman
“Depriving yourself of something typically only serves to make you want it more…” –Lindsay Livingston
“Food first (referencing the nutrition supplement commercials).” –Carol S. Rowland Deming-Casey
“Diets are temporary, lifestyle changes will last a lifetime.” –Kristy Hegner
“Eat your fruit don’t drink it. Same with nuts: Eat your almonds, don’t drink them.” –Jennifer Neily
“It’s hard to make good choices when you’re starving! Have a plan.” –Alison Rainey Doak
“Not every calorie is created equal.” –Brianna Kennedy
“Don’t diet to be healthy. You have to eat and move to be healthy.” –Betsy Ramirez
“Fiber is your friend.” –Rebecca Thieneman
“You can’t manage what you don’t measure.” –Jennifer McDaniel
“Eating one decadent meal doesn’t make you fat, just like eating one salad doesn’t make you thin. It’s the big picture that counts.” –Caroline Kaufman