The most frequently asked questions throughout the Countdown are about alcohol, coffee, sugar, and snacks. Here are some tips to help you make smart choices when it comes to each of them.
Hardly anyone knows the nutrition facts or the proper measurements for alcoholic beverages since labels aren’t required. The details aren’t easy to come by. This often translates to, “well then, eh, who cares.”
One of the questions I get at the start of the Countdown, since reducing sugar from coffee add-ins is a tough change for many people…what about my COFFEE? The coffee itself doesn’t have to go unless you were drinking too much…in fact if you drink some about 90 minutes before exercise, research shows exercise FEELS easier! Yay!
What about sugar substitutes or artificial sweeteners?
Though they do not contain digestible calories, it is still wise to limit these additives to as little as possible. When aiming for Your Best Body, try not to move from one bad habit to a new not-so-healthy-habit!
As your tastebuds adjust to less sweet foods, you will be more satisfied by less sweet foods/beverages, so let’s not confuse them with the artificial sweet taste. It’s worth it to not be owned by sugar…you can beat it! I have seen thousands of sugar lovers attest to how this week changed their lives.
Watch for the cravings to drop off considerably after a few days of cutting back! For more info, see your Success Journal on pages 16, 43, 44, and 105. If you MUST have a sugar-sub, have as little as possible (not the whole packet), and go with stevia, or chickory root, or sugar alcohols in moderation. (Note: new research about splenda/sucralose and erythritol has them both on a caution list.)
Any of these may send a “non-food on board” message to your body, often in the way of a tummy ache, headache, or even diarrhea. Limit yourself to a maximum of one to two drinks/food servings per day (including gum, yogurts, diet drinks, etc.).
Once you have this down you can be a little more flexible, just be mindful to make sure you get protein and fiber, and keep in mind that if you sub out your calcium source, you may need a calcium supplement by the end of the day (as a rule of thumb, choose food over supplements when possible).
My favorite Strong Snacks: 1) Raspberry Power Parfait (see Cookbook or click image above for recipe) 2) Healthy Harvest Muffin (see Cookbook) with a glass of milk (or hot chocolate homemade with milk, vanilla and cocoa) 3) Half of an Ezekiel cin raisin English muffin with PB on it and glass of milk 4) Apple, spoon of peanut butter and several dark chocolate chips, piece of reduced fat cheese or cup of milk 5) Hard boiled egg (sub it out for your fat – just about equivalent), a piece of reduced fat cheese, carrots and a pear 6) One of the shakes from the Cookbook 7) Almonds mixed with dark chocolate chips, a cutie and half a glass of unsweetened soymilk (there’s a half fruit/half dairy example) 8) A saucer size plate of leftovers from yesterday’s dinner 9) Sunflower seed spread (see Cookbook) 10) Watermelon Feta Salad (see Cookbook)