“Since you exercise, you can eat anything you want.” I hear this often. Do you really think that’s true?
Getting your workout done brings that high that makes you think you can do anything! (But it sometimes leads you to THINK you can eat anything, too).
One stop by Starbucks on the way home or to the office may perpetuate the brilliant buzz of exercise, but be warned! A quick White Mocha Venti plus their banana bread and BOOM: 1020 calories down…about 3 times what’s burned in most workouts.

Do soak up the exhilaration of every workout and the natural blush on your face because of it, but if your goal in exercising is weight control, be aware that “abs are made in the kitchen.” What you do (or don’t do) in the kitchen is just as important as what happens at the gym…actually more.
You’ve got an updated playlist, but what about your grocery list?
Reading up on exercise regimens? Don’t forget recipes!
Counting calories helps, but be sure to have someone you can count on as well to partner with you to see you through to Your Best Body.
If you’ve been rounding the track getting those steps in, know I’m proud of you! Every step counts. Take a lap around the grocery perimeter, too: remember that every bite counts. Be sure to plan your meals out before you go, because what ends up in your grocery cart is key to reaching Your Best Body.
For those whose goal is weight loss: when the “laundry” comes off the “washboard” (the fat loss will come primarily from eating right), your gym time will show! Keep up the great work!
If you want some ideas to help you create a menu plan that will start you off right, you can download the E-book version of my Cookbook here. Or grab a paperback copy here.