Have any chocolate left?
Ever wonder exactly what is considered “normal eating” (of chocolate)?
Here is the answer! I’ve adapted this from author Ellyn Satter’s definition of normal eating.
Normal eating of chocolate is…
…looking forward to it’s creamy exceptional goodness even before you eat it. It’s using moderate constraint in your selection of it as a delicacy, but not being so calorie-focused that you rob yourself of the pleasure of it. It’s longing for it, but not pining for it.
It’s giving some thought to whether it’s your preference over other opportunities for indulgence, and deciding intentionally how much to eat. It’s being present enough in the moment to enjoy every morsel immensely and maybe even lick it off your fingers.
It’s being able to enjoy it fully and mindfully, without shame, savoring it slowly once you have decided it is indeed worth the splurge.
It’s being able to leave some of it for tomorrow because it’s worth extending the pleasure into another day, or eating the whole serving today because it’s a holiday timing, which only happens every once in a while.
How 6 Fitness Friends Do Chocolate
I’ve reached out to a handful of my fellow fitness presenter colleagues to see how they do chocolate, especially on a holiday weekend…
“Only quality chocolate! I wait til it’s half-price and buy a small box of 6 or so mixed pieces so I can savor one every night after dinner for a week. I am partial to toffee so that’s what I will be in search of!”
-Melissa Layne
“I try not to be rigid about anything to do with eating/nutrition/food. I’ve recovered from a long and very difficult eating disorder (anorexia and bulimia) and feel lucky that I’m not scared of food or eating anything. For me that is a huge triumph. So yes, go ahead and enjoy a little treat. I just don’t choose to do it every day.”
-Keli Roberts
“I am a huge chocolate fan! One of my favorite things in the world is to take hot yoga and at the end of class, our wonderful teacher Kristen passes out dark Dove chocolate bites! It is the best way in the world to enjoy chocolate!”
-Sara Kooperman
“While I am not a big chocolate fan myself, I will always say that in life, try to find a good balance between ‘living to eat and eating to live.’ Food provides more than nutrients, and we should appreciate that. We should not feel guilty over little indulges within moderation.”
-Fabio Comana
“At this time of year, I’m [already] about The Cadbury cream egg. But, I CAN eat just one.”
-Steve Feinberg
“I’m not a huge chocolate lover, but since it’s Valentine’s Day weekend… dark chocolate with a glass of red wine – yum!!”
-Chris Freytag